Monday, July 30, 2012

Crossing Kettle River Mtns & Columbia River

Another day of Washington mountains - up and down; they go on forever.  I passed a group of about 30 cyclists biking from Bar Harbor, ME to Seattle - they are almost done with their journey & were excited & enjoying it.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. If every state had the elevation contours of Washington, no way could I attempt this ride.
  2. I had the blessing of perfect timing to be right behind the pace truck downhill for about 15 miles on a one way mountain road due to construction.  I could cruise down the road without worrying about anyone passing me - what a ride.
  3. We found a great bike hostel in Colville - and we are the only people there tonight.  A generous doctor in town has built a separate 4 bedroom apartment solely for the use of bikers passing through.  There are great people in this country.


  1. Very neat! Great people. Cool experiences. :) Pretty places.

  2. Go Bishop Morgan!! This is so cool! Have fun and be safe!
