Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 35 - New England

We left New York with good views of the High Peaks area of the Adirondacks, a Hudson River crossing near its source at Newcomb, NY, and a 10 minute ferry ride across Lake Champlain at Ticonderoga to officially enter Vermont.  My legs would feel better tonight had we stayed at Long Lake all day (thanks again Schindlers), yet we needed to push on since we plan to finish this thing by early next week.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. I would like to spend more time at Ticonderoga, NY.  The area is full of history, waterways, hiking trails, and natural beauty.  
  2. Vermont definitely has a different feel than the other states we have visited.  No billboards; smaller, more personal feeling farms; narrow but uncrowded roads; green, green fields, and mountains (or at least rolling hills) in every direction.
  3. Kathryn has given me a great anniversary present these 35 days, supporting so I could do this ride - she is wonderful.

 Just need a skier in the wake at Long Lake
 Little League field in Newcomb, NY
 Blue Ridge Falls, NY

 Vermont Church

Bicentennial Park, Ticonderoga, NY

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