Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 37: Anacortes Washington-York Beach, Maine... PAU!

Scott is a goal-setter. More than anyone I know. He writes them down. He sets them with enthusiasm and accomplishes them with joy and confidence. He always has. And probably always will. It is who he is! He makes lists and fills in boxes on workout sheets. For goodness sakes, he writes book reports even now when a teacher doesn't make him! He is an inspiration to me and the kids and others too I'm sure. As solid as the granite we passed in New Hampshire today! ...and I'm not just talking about his legs!  ;)
New Hampshire is just like Old Hampshire, but new.  (haha, I read that today!)
When our kids were little I would rediscover the beauties of the world through their eyes. They'd laugh with glee when leaves fell all around them. They'd delight in chasing birds at the beach. They'd be astonished finding a turtle when snorkeling. And I've always found that glee, delight and astonishment watching God's creations through Scott's eyes. I loved always seeing the smile on his face as he came up the road. This trip has been a great adventure in sharing that wonder of God's bounties in this little sliver of our country that we traveled. Yesterday we attended church at the Lebanon Ward in New Hampshire and the closing hymn was How Great Thou Art. I had tears in my eyes while we sang it and Scott did too. Our joy is full.  :)

P.S.  I drove all the way across the country!
And now we get to drive back home...together. :)


  1. Very neat adventure! Glad you get to ride home together. :)

  2. I am glad you guys finished, but sad too! I am going to miss reading the blog every day! That was amazing! Bishop is an example to our family too! We love you guys! Have a safe drive back!

  3. Wonderful! I'm glad the trip was so great. Thanks for sharing with us and enjoy your trip back.
