Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 4 - Finishing WA, following the Pend Oreille

We finished the first state, 14 more to go.  The final hills, fields, & lakes in eastern WA. were beautiful.  We then followed the Pend Oreille River (pronounced pond-o-ray) 75 miles to it's origin lake of the same name in Sandpoint, Idaho. We capped the day with a swim in the lake at Sandpoint, based on my sister's recommendation, and it was a wonderful place to end the day in the water - almost as good as Kailua Beach.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. How important it is to be kind. The trucker that stopped to offer me help with directions when he saw me fumbling with my map made me appreciative, the one who honked loudly twice at me to get off the road, obviously isn't a biker.
  2. Bike paths are great.  The wide, separate path into Sandpoint over Lake Pond Oreille was a fun, relaxed ride.  Many more people would bike if we had more bike paths.
  3. Swimming felt great after biking only for 4 days - using different muscles.

Day 4: Being Open to Others

I put one of my favorite books on my iPad for the trip:  A Heart Like His. I was reading it this morning thinking about the practical reminders to always be aware of our hearts (as we try to have a heart like Jesus) and be more open to others. There are so many good, happy, positive, helpful people in the world. We are meeting a bunch everyday.
Last night we benefited from a generous family in Colville, WA that built a four bedroom, two bath home (near theirs) with family room and kitchen that they keep open (and fully supplied with all toiletries, tv/dvds, popcorn/hot chocolate, etc) for bikers...and it's FREE! How open hearted and kind is that?!?! <3  It makes me want to pay it forward somehow. Open hearts lead to more open hearts <3

All day it was fun to talk to people... from the girl at McDonalds to the motel owners tonight...
There was a nice lady, biking with her kids by the river near Ione, WA, who was amazed Scott was doing this long ride and offered to give us money. :) I told her she could go to the blog links to donate to Food Bank and/or Scott Moore's recovery. She has such a generous heart!
I met a sweet couple from Naples, FL.  Instead of rushing off after we enjoyed a waterfall view we just chatted ...comparing ideas, travels and fun open conversation. Long after they left I realized I was still smiling.  :)
This picture was taken by the mom of a darling family we met at City Beach in Sandpoint ID tonight. 
The Mom, Grandma and kids shared how they have ALL lived their whole lives (3 generations) in Sandpoint. We now have a different appreciation of the beauty of the place because of the light in their eyes and openness of their hearts as they were excited to each tell what they love about it.  :)
This journey Washington to Maine might be about miles and beauty but it's also about Hearts and Relationships <3
PS ... All these open hearted people make us forget the trucker than leans on his horn and the ornery lady in the convenience store. ;)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Crossing Kettle River Mtns & Columbia River

Another day of Washington mountains - up and down; they go on forever.  I passed a group of about 30 cyclists biking from Bar Harbor, ME to Seattle - they are almost done with their journey & were excited & enjoying it.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. If every state had the elevation contours of Washington, no way could I attempt this ride.
  2. I had the blessing of perfect timing to be right behind the pace truck downhill for about 15 miles on a one way mountain road due to construction.  I could cruise down the road without worrying about anyone passing me - what a ride.
  3. We found a great bike hostel in Colville - and we are the only people there tonight.  A generous doctor in town has built a separate 4 bedroom apartment solely for the use of bikers passing through.  There are great people in this country.

Day 3 pros and cons

Things I don't like to see on the road passing Scott:

But things I loved today: wildflowers, music of birds and brooks, feeling breezes, shady pull off spots, Scott smiling as he biked up mountains taking in the views, cell phone service areas, birds and chipmunks that missed getting hit by cars, ice water, and TOPS of mountain passes!  ;)

Also I have decided that 2 cheap motels > 1 good motel and 1 night camping!  ;)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 2 - North Cascades Hwy, WA

On a beautiful summer Saturday, we powered through the Cascades over Rainy & Washington Pass into central Washington and cruised down the Methow River valley, then over Loup Loup Pass (yes, that's really the name), into the Okanogan Valley with plentiful apple orchards.
Thoughts for the day:

  1. The north Cascade mountains are big & beautiful. I would love to explore more.
  2. As you descend Washington pass from the Cascades it is amazing how abruptly the landscape changes from wet to dry.
  3. On a bicycle time slows down. Watching cars race to pass each other on beautiful mountain roads seems like a waste.  However I do the same when I am driving rather than riding.

Day 2: Climbing beautiful mountains

Day 2 of Scott's ride was a beautiful North Cascades National Park mountain climbing day.  
Look at this elevation diagram:
I stopped along the way to do a nature walk...
...and had to drive FOREVER to catch up. I thought I might have passed him somewhere but we didn't have cell service so I kept driving and found him WAY ahead... Yep! 
We got to Twisp, where we were supposed to stop for the night, and there was still daylight so he wanted to power on and did the next mountain pass of 4,020 feet.  ...Yep  ;)
We went to church the next morning (7/29) in Omak Ward, a small chapel that the GPS told us was in an empty field. Heather google mapped it for us and said the street view showed a Walmart and Home Depot by it.  Hmmm... seriously not an empty field...We need more GPS instruction obviously.
We got there and the meetings were nice. We have checked into a motel (no camping YET! yea!!), have internet and an afternoon to blog and rest up for a full week of powering east. More mountains and scenic highway all day tomorrow. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 1 - for Kathryn ;)

It is the beginning of the Olympics this week ... and we have our own marathon of an event starting too.  Read below to get Scott's summary but this is going to be a looong event ;) for Scott. He is riding his bike about 4,295 miles! Whew!  I am the SAG car (Support and Gear, or in my case Sandwiches and Gatorade).  If the rest of these weeks are like today this is going to be a great trip (for me).  Highlights:  Skagit River with eagles soaring and our  fun 11 month old grandson cruising in the sand;  mouthwatering fresh picked berries in the North Cascades (totally picture Blueberries For Sal).  Great day! Eastward Ho...

Thanks Megan and Noah for the FUN day!  And thanks Washington Morgans for the send-off!

Day 1 - Anacortes, WA

We started the adventure today in sunny Anacortes near the ferry terminal.  Kathryn & I had Megan and Noah join us for the first day.  Noah kept us happy all day.  The bike path out of Anacortes crossing Fidalgo Bay was beautiful and a fun ride.  Thoughts for the day:
  1.  Excitement to actually start riding across the country - looking up the Skagit river valley  and picturing the country miles ahead.
  2.  Appreciating family support - Kathryn is wonderful.
  3. How green western Washington is - after living in the southwest desert the last month, it is amazing to see the trees, green, & water everywhere.
  4. The Cascades are huge mountains.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Why are we doing this ride?

When I was seven years old my parents told me about a group of cyclists that were riding their bikes from near our home in Garden Grove, CA to Utah – I was fascinated.  My friends & I rode laps on our Schwinns in our cul de sac pretending we were making the same journey.  I have loved biking ever since.  Through work opportunities Kathryn & I have driven across the country four times.  We now are taking the opportunity to do it again by bicycle, to get out and discover more about America –as Emerson said “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best”.

Kathryn will drive & provide navigation & support while I pedal my Specialized Roubaix bicycle.  We will generally follow the Adventure Cycling “Northern Tier” maps from Anacortes, WA to Bar Harbor, ME.

A few people have asked if I am riding to support a cause – we have chosen two:
1)    Utah Food Bank – I have volunteered often at food banks in Hawaii & Utah – and know they fulfill a great purpose. 
2)    an extended family member suffered a terrible cycling accident in March and is still recovering.

For those inclined you can see more information on the separate cause tabs.