Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 2: Climbing beautiful mountains

Day 2 of Scott's ride was a beautiful North Cascades National Park mountain climbing day.  
Look at this elevation diagram:
I stopped along the way to do a nature walk...
...and had to drive FOREVER to catch up. I thought I might have passed him somewhere but we didn't have cell service so I kept driving and found him WAY ahead... Yep! 
We got to Twisp, where we were supposed to stop for the night, and there was still daylight so he wanted to power on and did the next mountain pass of 4,020 feet.  ...Yep  ;)
We went to church the next morning (7/29) in Omak Ward, a small chapel that the GPS told us was in an empty field. Heather google mapped it for us and said the street view showed a Walmart and Home Depot by it.  Hmmm... seriously not an empty field...We need more GPS instruction obviously.
We got there and the meetings were nice. We have checked into a motel (no camping YET! yea!!), have internet and an afternoon to blog and rest up for a full week of powering east. More mountains and scenic highway all day tomorrow. 


  1. Great job on the blog Kathryn. I love the pictures and commentary. I'm so excited about this adventure for both of you. Have fun, love you.
    ps - did you know you were just a little more than a week early for the Omak stampede? How was the town of Omak?

    1. No idea about the stampede. It was a bigger town than I thought. The whole valley from Okanogan, Omak and Tonasket was dry but irrigated and had LOTS of apple orchards, and crates, trains and refrigerator trucks to ship ... I am going to start looking for those names on apple boxes. ;)
