Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 4 - Finishing WA, following the Pend Oreille

We finished the first state, 14 more to go.  The final hills, fields, & lakes in eastern WA. were beautiful.  We then followed the Pend Oreille River (pronounced pond-o-ray) 75 miles to it's origin lake of the same name in Sandpoint, Idaho. We capped the day with a swim in the lake at Sandpoint, based on my sister's recommendation, and it was a wonderful place to end the day in the water - almost as good as Kailua Beach.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. How important it is to be kind. The trucker that stopped to offer me help with directions when he saw me fumbling with my map made me appreciative, the one who honked loudly twice at me to get off the road, obviously isn't a biker.
  2. Bike paths are great.  The wide, separate path into Sandpoint over Lake Pond Oreille was a fun, relaxed ride.  Many more people would bike if we had more bike paths.
  3. Swimming felt great after biking only for 4 days - using different muscles.

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