Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 1 - for Kathryn ;)

It is the beginning of the Olympics this week ... and we have our own marathon of an event starting too.  Read below to get Scott's summary but this is going to be a looong event ;) for Scott. He is riding his bike about 4,295 miles! Whew!  I am the SAG car (Support and Gear, or in my case Sandwiches and Gatorade).  If the rest of these weeks are like today this is going to be a great trip (for me).  Highlights:  Skagit River with eagles soaring and our  fun 11 month old grandson cruising in the sand;  mouthwatering fresh picked berries in the North Cascades (totally picture Blueberries For Sal).  Great day! Eastward Ho...

Thanks Megan and Noah for the FUN day!  And thanks Washington Morgans for the send-off!


  1. What a great team! I'd love to celebrate with you when you finish your journey in ME. (I live in MA). Kathryn, I love your hairstyle, and that you're the awesome support for this event. Scott, I admire your strength and enthusiasm. All the best.

  2. This is so cool! I can't wait to hear of all your progress and the fun things you get to do and see! Have fun and be safe!!!

  3. Noah and I LOVED being a part of this first day! I now have a good idea of what the ins-and-outs of your next few months will be... Papa Scott, you are a ROCKSTAR, Gamma Kathryn, #1 wife award ;) I'll be checking this blog everyday, and showing Noey every picture! LOVE YOU BOTH!

  4. And I should probably mention... this day was HANDS DOWN a highlight of the Summer for us!
