Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 4: Being Open to Others

I put one of my favorite books on my iPad for the trip:  A Heart Like His. I was reading it this morning thinking about the practical reminders to always be aware of our hearts (as we try to have a heart like Jesus) and be more open to others. There are so many good, happy, positive, helpful people in the world. We are meeting a bunch everyday.
Last night we benefited from a generous family in Colville, WA that built a four bedroom, two bath home (near theirs) with family room and kitchen that they keep open (and fully supplied with all toiletries, tv/dvds, popcorn/hot chocolate, etc) for bikers...and it's FREE! How open hearted and kind is that?!?! <3  It makes me want to pay it forward somehow. Open hearts lead to more open hearts <3

All day it was fun to talk to people... from the girl at McDonalds to the motel owners tonight...
There was a nice lady, biking with her kids by the river near Ione, WA, who was amazed Scott was doing this long ride and offered to give us money. :) I told her she could go to the blog links to donate to Food Bank and/or Scott Moore's recovery. She has such a generous heart!
I met a sweet couple from Naples, FL.  Instead of rushing off after we enjoyed a waterfall view we just chatted ...comparing ideas, travels and fun open conversation. Long after they left I realized I was still smiling.  :)
This picture was taken by the mom of a darling family we met at City Beach in Sandpoint ID tonight. 
The Mom, Grandma and kids shared how they have ALL lived their whole lives (3 generations) in Sandpoint. We now have a different appreciation of the beauty of the place because of the light in their eyes and openness of their hearts as they were excited to each tell what they love about it.  :)
This journey Washington to Maine might be about miles and beauty but it's also about Hearts and Relationships <3
PS ... All these open hearted people make us forget the trucker than leans on his horn and the ornery lady in the convenience store. ;)


  1. You know our race to see who makes more friends? I think it's pretty clear you win!

  2. Haha... but nobody has invited us to do Ragnar with them! :(
