Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 5: I love mountains!

I love mountains! I mean I really LOVE them. Scott does too..but this is my post.. ;)
I love:
...all the smells that wake my senses. different the mountains are at various elevations- coastal/ alpine/ dry, arid.
...gazing at all the glacial lakes running to streams, rivers and waterfalls. 
...listening to those waters flow when I close my eyes.
...taking deep breaths in crisp morning air.  
...identifying the spontaneous wild flowers that dress up all the green.
...trying to identify sounds of insects and animals while I'm awaiting Scott. Is it a squirrel? a bear cub? hmmm.... roll up car window just in case!  ;)

Scott and I had short stints living in mountainless areas. Beautiful places with trees and rolling hills and gorgeous autumns, but mountainless nonetheless. And because of that I could never feel comfortable and at home. Mountains give me a firm sense of security. They ground me. And maybe most importantly without them I am navigationally challenged! Really. I grew up knowing: big mountains to the east, small mountains to the west. I always knew where I was. And we lived most of our married lives knowing: Koolaus=mauka, Kailua beach=makai.;) Security. <3
What am I going to do once we leave these beautiful mountains next week? Somebody point me east... or at least help me figure out the GPS better...The GPS lady is going to be saying 'recalculating'. A lot.

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