Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 31 - New Month, State, and Country

Once we cleared the town of Erie, PA we followed Hwy 5, a great rural road (with wide shoulders) thru the rolling vineyards near the lakeshore into Buffalo.  Buffalo has some great bike paths along the waterfront, they just need better directional signs.  My backtracking allowed me to cross the Peace Bridge over the Niagara River into Ontario at sunset rather than an hour earlier as I had planned - so the swim in Lake Erie has to wait.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. NFL geography: in the span of a days bike ride, we passed thru the heart of Browns territory, a sliver of Steelers land, and into the center of the Bills home.  In the Rocky mountain west we have only the Broncos for thousands of miles.
  2. I think everybody would have liked bike riding on the wide, smooth, relatively flat shoulders of Highway 5 watching the farm fields above Lake Erie.
  3. It is nice to have Heather share a day on the road with us to witness the craziness & fun.  She took over the navigation duties very well.  Megan & Noah shared the first day just over 5 weeks ago.
  4. During my 6th grade year we lived in Mt Lebanon, PA (outside Pittsburgh), and a house we passed today reminded me of the woods behind our house in PA.

 Niagara River, sunset over Canada
 Buffalo River - old storage elevators
 Beach day at Erie
 More red barns in NY
Saturday morning at Barcelona Boat Harbor

PA house in the woods

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