Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 32: Niagara Falls

In 1943 Sir Winston Churchill said the Niagara Parkway is "the prettiest Sunday afternoon drive in the world"!  We took him up on it!  ;). 
Sunday we spent the whole day relaxing in Canada. We attended the St Davids Ward, drove up to Niagara-on-the-Lake, then down the Niagara River Parkway that connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, and enjoyed the power and refreshing spray of The Falls along the way. 
For full effect mist yourself with a little water as you enjoy these pictures.  ;)
Nice.  :)
Today Scott got up early and biked all the way up the Niagara River before we caught up with him and took a few more pics at the Falls. 
He powered on while Heather and I visited a friend in East Amherst, then I dropped Heather off at the Buffalo airport. I'm going to miss that girl!!  She did some of my sandwich making and navigating duties ... :)  Woohoo!  And was my buddy for 4 days! YEA!!
 And she really caught a glimpse of how we roll. ;) Sure glad you came Heath <3
I finally caught up with Scott a couple of hours before dusk in Rochester.  We're together for the rest of the trip. I promise.  :)

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