Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 34 - Into the Heart of Adirondacks at Long Lake

We left Boonville this morning on the perfect biking road for 20 miles: Moose River Road.  I have no idea how close the nearest moose was - we saw none.  The good news was we saw almost as few cars as moose; which made it seem like a wide bike path.  We crossed the Black River & climbed into Adirondack Park.  The climbing was rolling & gradual with several downhill breaks.  We passed several large lakes and rolling hills all day - beautiful country.  We are spending the night at the Schindler's July-Sept home which is in a perfect location on one of the best water skiing sites in the country.  I am sure it is great for cross country skiing also - but I prefer the warm conditions.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. I would love to ride Moose River Road (or any of the highways) again in 3-4 weeks when the leaves are ablaze in color.
  2. I was able to swim tonight at dusk in Long Lake - perfect temperature, no wind, felt wonderful.
  3. I failed to write last night about the bike shop owner in Oswego, Ben Turner, that bailed me out TWICE yesterday.  He replaced my chain & then repaired a broken spoke later in the day.  Both times he expedited my repairs & didn't charge for labor because he knew we had miles to go before we could sleep.  If you ever need a bike shop in Oswego, NY - please see Ben at Murdock Bikes.  I thought today how these are the type of small business owners that make the country great. 
  4. Thanks Kevin & Jan, and Chuck & Judy.  Your hospitality & kindness is surely appreciated.  It's great to actually see & understand why you love this place so much.
 Farm near Boonville
Moose River Road

Long Lake

 After the swim

Ready to ski ?

1 comment:

  1. Long Lake looks gorgeous. I'm glad you were able to swim there. Are you going to Lake Champlain? It's another gorgeous lake. I didn't get to swim in it when I was there, so let me know how it is.
