Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 35: these days are lovely...

Today is our anniversary... 34 years! 
It started with Judy making us a great hot breakfast. I can't remember the last time I had a breakfast that good!  Then Chuck took us on a boat ride on Long Lake. We were spoiled! It was hard to leave ... but we did... 
New York has been lovely. We are just ahead of all the fall leaves turning to their full glory. Scott is just riding too darn fast! 
We crossed Lake Champlain on the ferry at Ticonderoga and were welcomed by rolling hills of Vermont farmland. And more cows!
These are lovely days filled with charming homes, neat organized productive farms, quaint lake villages where people drive their boats up to the market or a friend's dock, values respecting Mayberry towns with tall steepled churches and prominent libraries, and history of our country that brings to mind familiar names from somewhere in my early studies.
Oh... and for anyone else who is counting: today we're up to 9 flat tires!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! :) Looks like a neat day and beautiful places! :) xoxoxo
