Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 10 - Wheat Harvesting in eastern Montana

We left Hwy 2 & the Great Northern Railway and turned southeast towards North Dakota.  We crossed two of the large rivers that originate in the Montana Rockies; the Missouri (crossed near Wolf Point), and the Yellowstone (crossed at Glendive).  I watched various stages of wheat harvesting all day from my bike seat - it is fascinating and I appreciate the work these people do to help feed us all.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. Giant dark chocolate Hershey bars are a great aid for all day biking energy.
  2.  We spoke with Jonathan today (from Philadelphia).  He is biking to the Oregon coast  from Maryland, and carrying all his gear & water.  I struggled to lift his bike - had to be near 100 pounds.  My journey seems very easy.
  3. I am amazed at the farmers & ranchers that work so hard in the hot sun day after day.


  1. What neat things to see and experience....you could really only see and start to understand some of these things if you aren't passing through as quickly. :) Fun!

  2. Yum. I'm wondering how far I have to swim to earn a giant Hershey bar.
