Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 19 - Corn Fields of Dreams

We followed the Mississippi River valley again most of the day, and then turned directly south through the rolling Iowa cornfields.  We are staying in Dyersville, IA which happens to be the home of the movie set for the Field of Dreams mythical baseball field.  Visiting the baseball field was a true highlight.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. Seeing the baseball field out in the cornfield is really cool - evokes emotions about following your dreams.  It is not a tacky tourist stop - no admission charge or rules about where to walk or take pictures.  Several people were there with their baseball gloves taking pictures & playing catch.  Would have been fun to have the whole family here, and play on the field.
  2. Iowa, at least eastern Iowa, is really hilly, and the state must save money by not adding shoulders to many of their roads.
  3. The Mississiippi is an amazing America waterway - I had no idea how huge, and well trafficked.

Joe Jackson's view of field
Joe Jackson emerging

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