Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 22: my uni-biker ;)

Scott gets tons of stares in his get-up to shade and protect him from the sun. Some ladies today suspected him as being the uni-bomber I'm afraid ...  haha, that's my uni-biker!
John Deere stores and truck/equipment auctions have been more numerous the last two weeks than McDonalds. (TIMES 20!)
The National Wildlife Refuge System covers over 150 million acres and over 550 refuges. I have felt blessed we have been able to enjoy so many on this trip. Obviously the birds love them too:

They really are a vital habitat. Today along the Illinois River Refuge we saw many Great Egrets. And Scott and I each independently tried to catch a good picture of a Great Blue Heron but he kept hiding, blending in the trees.  He was really beautiful too.
Tomorrow is another PLAY DAY (no-ride day)!  Scott rode to Lincoln, then we threw the bike in the car and drove to Springfield. We are spending the whole day doing nothing but LINCOLN. Then we'll drive back up to Lincoln to carry on the ride on Thursday.  Until then.... VACATION!  :)

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds like wonderful vacation to me. Hope you enjoy the Lincoln library and other Springfield sites today. Cute picture of the National Wildlife Refuge sign.
