Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 16: gatorade & chocolate, quilts & courage

When I was little I lined all my dolls up on our green textured couch with all my 'important items' and we went on pretend vacations. I did this a lot as I recall. But THIS trip is a bit different than the ones I did with my dolls. My RIDE has no family, few clothes, lots of Gatorade, power bars, sleeping bags, a tent, water, bike tires, tubes, etc. and an unhealthy supply of cookies and chocolate! I don't remember packing any of these items as a kid!  :)
Today's drives have been nothing short of stunning. It's hard for me to picture anything prettier except that I know soon the trees are going to burst into fall splendor. Some are holding their breath and hanging onto the green. But a dry summer might make them explode with color before their usual mid October... What a sight that will be!!
As I sat at the Holdingford Trailhead (above) waiting for Scott I enjoyed the feeling of small town community with caring and friendship as ladies met to walk and talk; feelings of pride and ownership with straight rows of corn; and warmth from patchwork quilts hanging from a clothesline.
If the weather was always like it is now I could live here forever!  ;)
I have done a bunch of stuff alone in the past two days while Scott has been on bike trails. Some things I wouldn't have dreamed of doing. I talked to Heather about it since she recently blogged about Courage:  
We are both working on comfortably doing things outside our comfort zone. What is a challenge for one is fun for another. . . just opportunities for growth! As she lives courageously it inspires me to push a little harder to grow and stretch!


  1. You're all courageous! MN sounds lovely.

  2. I love reading your adventures and thoughts. It's fun to get insight from both of you! What an experience you're having!

    And I too, love that photo of the patchwork quilts hanging out to dry. Just picture perfect.

    Be safe!
