Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 12: things that made me smile :)

Some things today that made me smile...
* A group in Richardson, ND having fun painting a house. In exchange for taking their picture they just wanted my opinion of the color. I gave 'thumbs up'.
* Scott enjoying riding with and talking to other bikers today! :) ...No picture except in my mind.
* Scott moo'd at cows as he rode past. Every cow turned and stared and two trotted off following him! ... Picture the kids running along with Rocky!  :)
* Today was breezy.  I watched for about 15 minutes as a huge bird surfed that wind, staying in one place and adjusting his position slightly to ride Scott's headwinds with what I assumed was pure joy. :)
* MORE sunflowers!!!  They all face east ... just like us!  :)
Don't sunflowers just make you happy?!  (And want to watch a baseball game?)  :)


  1. LOVE the fields of sunflowers! Do they always face east or do they follow the sun?

  2. I assumed that they would follow the sun, but noticed throughout the day that they always faced east.
    I checked Wikipedia and it said when they are young they are heliotropic and when they are mature they turn east and don't move. Interesting huh?

  3. Wow! Very interesting. I LOVE the sun flowers, too!!! :)
