Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 20: a little bit corny

I have loved the sight of eagles soaring over bluffs by the Mississippi. So when I turned a corner today and caught a glimpse of a large bird I started looking for a place to pull over to enjoy. But before I got a chance there were many birds, then a dead deer at the side of the road with TWO HUMONGOUS TURKEY VULTURES doing the Karate Kid crane pose on fence posts right above protecting their deer dinner.  :P  You'll have to just picture it in your mind because they weren't scared by my car and there were way too many of them! so I drove on but caught a pic of their friends circling when I could pull over. :)
For a couple of weeks now I have seen lots of beautiful corn fields...
... and lots of machinery in fields and on roads, most of which I have NO idea what they do!
I watched them from far away but still couldn't figure out how they worked. When we got to our motel tonight I did some searching and here are a couple of videos. I learned A LOT!
and this one is long, but really informative... (wow $350,000+ machines)
John Deere Corn Machines
Now I want to research how they carefully harvest all those little seeds from all those sunflowers!!!  :)

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