Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 14: Where's Waldo?

Yesterday I played Pit. 
But, almost EVERYDAY we play our version of WHERE'S WALDO? Except, it's Where's Kathryn?  Let me explain:

This is SCOTT's ride:

This is MY ride:

They are really happy together.  See?  Cute huh?  :)

The idea of a SAG car (my ride) is to position OURSELVES (going with the personification here) a few miles down the road so that THEY can get replenished and renewed. 
Problem is that THEY don't ever know where WE'LL be!  WE want to hang out someplace interesting, in the shade, with a view, etc.  ... It's what WE signed up for on this trip!  <3  
And with twists and turns in the route THEY have to be looking for US all the time. Thus WHERE'S WALDO?  But today was different... look at our route today:
That's over 100 miles straight east.  THEY couldn't lose us today...THEY could see US for miles! It would have been like Waldo standing out in the road hitch-hiking every 5-10 miles. Kinda hard to miss US today on this road:

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