Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 7: Glacier NP "WOW!"

"WOW!" was exclaimed in shouts or whispered in a hush by visitors we met at every view spot. Today was Glacier National Park: Going to the Sun Road, Many Glacier Road. "WOW!" When our family took a trip here and the Canadian Rockies 10 years ago this area immediately became my favorite National Park and today didn't disappoint.  And our kids will be happy to know that just like 10 years ago Dad and I have been singing our hearts out to two favorite John Denver songs (wish you were here to join in!)
Rocky Mountain Suite
To The Wild Country
And speaking of COLD nights near Canada... It was 23 degrees last night in Glacier and 57 was the high. Brrr... When I packed my duffle bag for this trip it was 104 degrees. Throwing in a sweatshirt and sweater was an afterthought. What was I thinking? We were bundled up!
So many pictures...oh...and the BEARS!! We saw SEVEN!!  Love Glacier National Park!!


  1. Awesome!!! I feel like I'm there with the pics and the music. Just need the ranger talk, Iceberg Lake, Many Glacier cabin and 23 degrees. Fun memories. Neat place! :)

  2. Your pictures are beautiful! I hope to visit one day. As I'm watching the Olympics on tv I'm thinking of Scott's own Olympic style ride! Have fun and be safe!!
