Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 9: For Undaunted Travelers Only!

I picked up a pamphlet for the historical sites along the Lewis and Clark Trail. It was titled: FOR UNDAUNTED TRAVELERS ONLY -INDIANS, EXPLORERS AND COWBOYS (and may I add CROSS COUNTRY BIKE RIDERS!!)
Today was (from my perspective) a death ride in 100 degree temps and no shade for 13 hours and 158 miles. UNDAUNTED. Yes!
My job today was filled with finding ice and critters.
1. Leaving Havre, MT the road was dotted with road kill...     2 skunks, 1 porcupine, 3 rattlesnakes and something large and unidentifiable.
2. A cute LIVING bunny was chilling in the only shade of the day along a roadside historical marker.
3. But BUGS were my misfortune all day!
     *FLIES were everywhere and as big as the hummingbirds in our backyard at home.
     *MOSQUITOES!!  aacckk! As soon as I pulled off at one spot they covered the car window. I thought by sheer numbers they might break into the car. I should have taken a picture but just got out of there as fast as I could. Scott had to ride an extra mile to find me!  :P
     *2 DRAGONFLIES kept playing tag in and out of the windows... yeah, really really funny bugs ... ;)
     *something SCARY and HUGE and NOISY darted in and out hitting my cheek on the way~ Eeww!
     *GRASSHOPPERS scattered out of the weeds and sweet grass under my feet when I stepped out of the car to get the water cooler out of the trunk, or when trucks or trains passed by. 
But...when I unpacked the car tonight I noticed that I did get a little revenge:
On the bright side of the day... WILDFLOWERS!    :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the best day yet. :) Neat to see the diversity and history though. :)
