Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 17 - Into Wisconsin, Back to Minnesota

We circled the northeast side of the Twin Cities, and then crossed the St Croix River,(actually lake) and entered our 6th state, Wisconsin.  We followed the Great River Road down the Mississippi, then crossed the big river to reenter Minnesota.  Tonight we are in the home of Red Wing shoes - Red Wing, MN.  Minnesota has been the flattest state we have biked - until we got in the river country.  Now it is up & down, and up & down the Mississippi bluffs.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. Wisconsin seemed a little different as we entered the state - maybe it was the Packers' flags on the farm flagpoles.
  2. Cows always respond to me as I bike past when no one else seems to notice.  Maybe they are fascinated by bicycles which break up their tedious days.  (Actually I am glad when loose dogs don't notice me - or I have had a chance to be well beyond their running range.)
  3. Based on the number of geese I saw today, goose hunters in Minnesota should be happy this season.

 St Croix Lake

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