Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 15: small towns in MN literature

I love small towns. And we have been seeing plenty of them in the last 2+ weeks. Each have their own charm and character.  I have been impressed today with something a friend drew my attention to: all the farms in Minnesota are beautiful and well cared for... really beautiful...
Minnesota maps have reminded me of other small towns that we won't pass through this trip: Walnut Grove, Sleepy Eye, and Mankato.  Can't you just see Laura and Mary, with their empty lunch tins, walking home from school down this hill, stopping to soak their feet... Little Cari running after them and falling :)  Sigh. Love those books and shows!!  
A couple of places in Minnesota that are fictional in literature but based on real little towns here: Gopher Prairie from Sinclair Lewis' book Main Street is based somewhat on Sauk Centre, MN, his hometown we are staying in tonight.  
Apparently the real town took offense to his book since he made them seem narrow-minded and provincial instead of emphasizing great small town virtues.  But they now seem to embrace their fame. 
And Garrison Keillor's hometown of Anoka, MN was the inspiration for Lake Wobegon "where all the women are strong, all the men good-looking, and all the children are above average."  
Scott has been sure to check to weather and wind speeds on each night.   Who knew it could be made so simple?
I wish we could spend more time here but we're pushing on... So much to see, so little time... We even had to by-pass the world's largest buffalo in Jamestown ND!  See what I mean? If we missed that you know we are moving fast...  ;)   :P


  1. Love your pictures and your posts. I can just imagine what you are seeing. Are you on schedule? Can't wait to read more about this great land of America!

  2. Funny thing is we don't really have a schedule! Scott rides 100miles or so a day depending on weather, winds, road conditions... It's nice to not have deadlines. We live day to day...and maybe look ahead to where we might want to be to rest over for the next Sunday. :)

  3. I like the weather rock! 100 miles a day! Wow! I am impressed! Enjoy.
