Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 29: I love coastal towns!

I love coastal towns! We started the day in Huron, OH, and the beauty and charm continued up the Lake Erie coast through Vermilion, Bay Village, Lakewood, etc. on highway 6.
I did have a huge problem though in my support role: There were very few parks or beach access places to park and wait for Scott.  Looking far down the street I would think I'd see a park ahead, then realize "Nope, it's just a huge yard!"  Then I'd eventually see a large church down the street that I assumed would have a parking lot I could pull into... "Nope, it's just a huge home!"  Haha... over and over.... and over.  ;)  But sooo lovely to drive through these neighborhoods most of the day.
Another highlight was watching the Blue Angels practice over Cleveland for the Labor Day weekend shows.
They flew closely over my head while I was driving but thankfully I didn't grab my phone or iPad to take a picture or I might not be here to blog tonight.  Traffic around me slowed down immediately from 55mph to 35mph and almost caused an accident!!
Here is a glimpse of what MY day is going to be like tomorrow:
Oh... and here's another great church sign:  :)

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