Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 25 - Into Indy

We are staying with family tonight in Indianapolis.  Our niece Lindsay & her husband Eric live here where Eric is doing his orthopedic residency. We were able to swim with their 3 cute, fish-like boys at their community pool.  Swimming always feels so good after biking all day.  The ride through western Indiana continued with woods, creeks (we crossed Little Raccoon creek & Big Raccoon creek), corn, soybeans, and family farms.  Thoughts for the day:

  1. We made a quick Costco trip, and I tried to figure out how Costco took over the world.  They all are similar: products, layout, prices; only difference is that the Hawaii Costcos have their food courts outside.
  2. I am beginning to understand why Breaking Away, a 1979 cycling movie, was filmed in Indiana - great biking state.  
  3. Thanks Lindsay, Eric, Sam, Max, & Jake for letting us crash at your home for a couple nights - fun to see your family in action.


  1. How fun to get to stay with Lindsay, Eric and boys. Those boys are so cute.
    Love that Scott is diving into pool right next to the No Diving sign.
    And California Costcos have food courts outside too!

  2. Looks like a fun place to stay for a few nights!! Love you guys! xo
